Cotton'S Unusual Disappearance
Why hasn't cotton opened his monthly shop?
[CW: Implications of violence, Blood & Slight Gore]
Part 1:
The Edge Of The City [Merchants' Tent]
The morning is bright, full of sunshine, and the air smelled of petrichor from the rainy night before. You pace around the city, enjoying the surroundings, when something clicks into your head: The merchants! They should have opened up shop this time of month. Why not go pay them a visit?
You walk down the path to their tent…
Very noticeably, there is a figure visibly panicked, wandering around aimlessly. But that doesn’t seem too out of the ordinary, Cotton tends to bring those emotions out of people at times. With a shrug, you walk into the Merchants’ Tent either way…
Upon arrival, things seem… different. There’s not any people around, it seems bare and empty, that is until you’ve bumped into a familiar face: it’s Pine! But he’s not looking too great, his quills and ribbons are falling out, and he’s too preoccupied to notice he ran into you at all.
“Pine! What’s going on? I haven’t seen you and your partner in quite some time, is there something up?” You ask out of concern, the fear in Pine’s face is evident.
“Cotton… He’s disappeared!” Pine exclaims, extremely unaware of his surroundings.
You try to ease his worries, but your attempts fall on deaf ears. “Do you have any idea as to where he has gone?” You ask, hoping to assist Pine with his dilemma.
“He said he was off to do… something… I… can’t remember what it was! All I know is that he’s been gone for hours now, that’s way longer than his usual journeys!” He whimpers, feeling hopeless and pathetic.
You take Pine by the hand and promise him one thing: That Cotton will be found safe and sound. You need to act now, and the forest is the best place to look first. It’s most likely he was there, gathering materials and other similar things. Pine follows you into the woods, trusting you completely and looking forward to seeing his partner again...
Bundling Forest [The Search]
You and pine are wondering through the thick forest some wild budlings skitter around.
“We will find him, he couldn't have gone to far…” you try to reassure pine.
“O-ok” he went more silent he was very thankful but he was honestly terrified…
After a few hours you two stop seeing someone in the distance it was ivory! Cottons brother “great a strong lead!” you thought to your self as you guided pine over.
“Ivory!” you skid to a stop in front of the bud. “Hello there how may i help you? Oh pine!” he seemed happy to see pine but his expression grew more concerned as he noticed how upset he looked. “Do you know where cotton is? He hasn't returned from his scavenging pine is worried sick”.
“No i don't sorry… i haven't heard from him since he left…” he looked concerned as well now.
“We are trying to look for him if you have any idea where he may have gone to scavenge that might be the best place to look.” Ivory nodded you gained another person in your search party but of course ivory wanted to find his brother he loved him and hated seeing pine so distraught.
“Last i heard he was checking out some strange artifacts near that abandoned laboratory… i told him he was an idiot for going but you know him mr ‘you only live once!’” he groaned as he lead you two down the path to the lab.
The Abandoned Laboratory [The Crystal]
Ivory leads you two down the path it becomes more grimy dark and run down… Spooky…
“Why would he want to come down here of all places” you ask really confused and kinda freaked out. “He loves adventure… no challenge is to big for him…” pine looked around wearily.
“Hes just an idiot who cant sit still.” he was pretty pissed at cotton for doing something so dangerous again.
You all arrived at the abandoned site something glittery catches your eye as you get closer… “Hey you guys whats this?” you point out the liquid when you look up there was more…
“THATS COTTONS!!” pine cried out in panic it was blood his partners blood no doubt about it.
“Damn start searching he couldn't have gone to far…”
You all split up to look eventually you trip on something catching your self you look behind you… a leg? Purple and mossy… PURPLE AND MOSSY!! “Guys i found him!!” you quickly brush the leaves off him he looked rough blood dripping from his mouth and nose he looked like he got into a fight and definitely lost.
Pine was the first to see he ran over checking him over you could see tears.. “Hes alive! Hes alive! We need to bring him back to the city” before pine picked him up you stopped him to look at his chest.. There were strange marks it looks like he got cut with something several times? They didn't look like wild animal marks.
Pine picked him up and started hurrying back followed by ivory, before you leave you spot something.. A crystal? It looked like cottons but purple it had light blue markings cottons blood was all over it why would someone stab him with a crystal? It seemed strange but there had to be a reason… one you were determined to find out once cotton was awake… has be been hiding something…?
The mysterious crystal has appeared in your inventory hold onto it as it will play a significant part in the next prompt…
Prompt Details
You have a choice between drawing two different scenes [you can do it twice to do both if you'd like]
Finding Cotton - Depict the scene where your realm character has found an injured cotton
Finding The Crystal - Depict the scene where your realm character finds the crystal cotton was harmed with
Prompt Requirements - Finding Cotton
2 flat color full or halfbodies [your realm character & cotton]
[Budlings cannot be used for this]
simple background [depicts a forest setting but not detailed]
Cotton note: His blood is light blue with glitter in it
Prompt Requirements - Finding The Crystal
1 flat color fullbody [your realm character]
[Budlings cannot be used for this]
Scenic background [depecting the rundown forest]
10 MB
1 Mysterious Crystal
HazyInk's Mod Box